Kumpulan Materi & Latihan Soal CPNS 2013

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pendaftaran STAN 2011

Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia akan menerima putra dan putri Warga Negara
Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) dengan
Spesialisasi sebagai berikut:
1. Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
2. Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Pajak

1. Berijazah Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) atau yang sederajat untuk semua bidang
2. Nilai rata-rata pada ijazah tidak kurang dari 7,00 (tujuh koma nol nol) dan nilai tersebut
bukan hasil pembulatan.
3. Nilai Bahasa Inggris pada ijazah minimal 7,00 (tujuh koma nol nol) [bagi lulusan 2010 atau
sebelumnya adalah nilai ujian tertulis (bukan praktik)].
4. Bagi pendaftar yang menggunakan ijazah dari sekolah di luar negeri, ijazah yang
bersangkutan harus disahkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional. Apabila nilai dalam
ijazah tidak berupa angka, ijazah tersebut harus dilampiri surat keterangan dari sekolah
yang bersangkutan tentang nilai rata-rata dalam angka dengan skala 10.
5. Usia berdasarkan tanggal lahir yang tercantum dalam ijazah tidak kurang dari 17 tahun
pada tanggal 30 September 2011 dan tidak lebih dari 20 tahun pada tanggal 1 September
6. Berbadan sehat, tidak cacat badan, dan bebas dari narkoba (narkotika dan obat terlarang).
7. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama mengikuti pendidikan.
8. Khusus untuk Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai,
ditambahkan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
a. Berjenis kelamin laki-laki;
b. Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm;
c. Tidak buta warna;
d. Bagi yang memiliki mata minus, tingkat minus mata yang diperbolehkan maksimal
adalah minus 3.
9. Menyetor biaya pendaftaran USM sebesar Rp150.000,00 (seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah).

1. Tahapan pendaftaran meliputi:
a. pengisian formulir pendaftaran online (e-registrasi);
b. pengiriman berkas pendaftaran;
c. penyetoran biaya pendaftaran setelah calon peserta dinyatakan lolos seleksi
administrasi; dan
d. pengambilan Bukti Peserta Ujian (BPU).
2. Calon peserta hanya dapat melakukan pengisian formulir pendaftaran online (e-registrasi)
melalui situs http://usm.stan.ac.id pada tanggal 8 s.d. 17 Juli 2011.
3. Berkas yang harus dikirimkan oleh calon peserta:
a. hasil cetak formulir pendaftaran online yang telah diisi secara lengkap dan ditempel
pasfoto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 cm;
b. satu lembar fotokopi ijazah atau ijazah sementara/SKL/SKHU (bagi lulusan tahun 2011
yang pada saat pendaftaran belum memperoleh ijazah) yang telah dilegalisasi oleh
Kepala Sekolah/pejabat yang berwenang;
c. satu lembar fotokopi rapor tahun terakhir (Kelas XII Semester Ganjil dan Semester
Genap) yang telah dilegalisasi oleh Kepala Sekolah/pejabat yang berwenang.
4. Berkas sebagaimana butir 3 di atas dikirimkan dalam amplop tertutup via pos kilat khusus
mulai tanggal 8 s.d. 18 Juli 2011 (cap pos) kepada Panitia Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru
STAN Tahun 2011 dengan alamat PO BOX STAN JKS 12000.
5. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan jadwal pengambilan BPU bagi calon peserta
ujian dapat dilihat melalui situs http://usm.stan.ac.id pada tanggal 29 Juli 2011.
6. Calon peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi dapat melakukan pembayaran biaya
pendaftaran sebesar Rp150.000,00 (seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah) ke rekening Bendahara
Administrasi Keuangan BLU STAN pada Bank Mandiri nomor 128-00-0554888-5, dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. setoran dapat dilakukan di setiap bank umum;
b. periode penyetoran adalah tanggal 29 Juli s.d. 5 Agustus 2011 (sebelum pengambilan
c. bukti setor harus atas nama calon peserta ujian;
d. panitia tidak menerima bukti setor kolektif;
e. bukti setor harus disahkan/divalidasi petugas bank (tidak melalui ATM, Phone Banking,
Internet Banking, dan lain-lain);
f. uang yang telah disetor tidak dapat diminta kembali dengan alasan apa pun.
7. Setelah melakukan pembayaran, calon peserta melakukan pengambilan sendiri BPU (tidak
dapat diwakilkan) di lokasi ujian sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan sebagaimana
butir 5 dengan:
a. menunjukkan hasil cetak formulir pendaftaran online;
b. menyerahkan bukti setor bank yang asli;
c. menyerahkan pasfoto yang sama dengan yang ditempel pada formulir pendaftaran
ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 3 lembar; dan
d. menunjukkan bukti diri asli yang berfoto (ijazah/KTP/SIM/Paspor/Kartu Pelajar).
8. Pendaftar yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan butir 1 s.d. 7 di atas tidak akan dilayani dan
dianggap gugur.
9. Tempat pengambilan BPU sesuai dengan pilihan lokasi Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan
Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI) sebagai berikut (yg terdekat dari Karawang):
Jakarta : Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN)
Jl. Bintaro Utama Sektor V, Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang Selatan
Cimahi : Balai Diklat Keuangan (BDK) Cimahi
Jl. Gado Bangkong No. 111 Cimahi
10. Panduan pendaftaran secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada situs http://www.depkeu.go.id,
http://bppk.depkeu.go.id, dan http://www.stan.ac.id.

1. Ujian akan dilaksanakan dengan sistem gugur yang terdiri atas:
a. TPA dan TBI tanggal 21 Agustus 2011 di lokasi sebagai berikut (yg terdekat dari Karawang):

Jakarta : Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN)
Jl. Bintaro Utama Sektor V, Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang Selatan
Cimahi : Balai Diklat Keuangan (BDK) Cimahi
Jl. Gado Bangkong No. 111 Cimahi
b. Tes Kesehatan dan Kebugaran tanggal 3 s.d. 8 Oktober 2011 di lokasi sebagai berikut (yg terdekat dari Karawang): Jakarta
c. Assessment tanggal 24 s.d. 30 Oktober 2011 di lokasi yang akan diumumkan kemudian.
2. TPA dan TBI dilaksanakan secara serentak di seluruh lokasi ujian mulai jam 08.30
WIB/09.30 WITA/10.30 WIT.
3. Pada saat ujian peserta harus membawa:
a. BPU dan kartu identitas diri asli yang berfoto (KTP/SIM/Paspor/Kartu Pelajar);
b. pensil 2B, penghapus, ballpoint, dan perlengkapan ujian lain yang diperlukan.
4. Peserta ujian yang tidak hadir dan/atau tidak mampu menempuh ujian dengan alasan apa
pun pada waktu, hari, tanggal, dan tempat yang telah ditentukan dinyatakan gugur.

1. Hasil ujian akan diumumkan sebagai berikut:
a. TPA dan TBI tanggal 29 September 2011;
b. Tes Kesehatan dan Kebugaran tanggal 17 Oktober 2011; dan
c. Assessment tanggal 17 November 2011.
2. Pengumuman hasil tes dapat dilihat di tempat pengambilan BPU atau pada situs
http://www.depkeu.go.id, http://bppk.depkeu.go.id, dan http://www.stan.ac.id.

1. Lama pendidikan untuk Program Diploma I adalah dua semester. Mahasiswa yang tidak
memenuhi syarat kelulusan pada tiap akhir semester akan dikeluarkan dari pendidikan.
2. Pendidikan Program Diploma I diselenggarakan di Kampus STAN Bintaro dan/atau Balai
Diklat Keuangan di daerah.
3. STAN tidak memungut uang kuliah selama mengikuti pendidikan.
4. Lulusan Program Diploma I Keuangan STAN akan diangkat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri
Sipil (CPNS) di lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan atau instansi pemerintah lainnya baik di
pusat maupun di daerah sesuai dengan formasi yang tersedia pada tahun yang
bersangkutan berdasarkan peraturan kepegawaian yang berlaku.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Latian Soal Ujian Saringan Masuk STAN 2011

[ Nomor 121 s.d. 180]
Untuk bagian ini, jawaban benar kurang dari 20 soal berarti nilai mati dan dinyatakan tidak lulus.
Reading I
In 1989, the oil and automotive industries and the National Association of Manufacturers created the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) to oppose mandatory actions to address global warming. In 1997, when the Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution against ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, the industry funded a $13 million industry advertising blitz in the run-up to the vote.
      In 1998 the New York Times published an American Petroleum Institute (API) memo outlining a strategy aiming to make "recognition of uncertainty ... part of the 'conventional wisdom.'" The memo has been compared to a late 1960s memo by tobacco company Brown and Williamson, which observed: "Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact' that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy." Those involved in the memo included Jeffrey Salmon, then executive director of the George C. Marshall Institute, Steven Milloy, a prominent skeptic commentator, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Myron Ebell. In June 2005 a former API lawyer, Philip Cooney, resigned his White House post after accusations of politically-motivated tampering with scientific reports.
In 2002 the GCC considered its work in the US against regulation on global warming to have been so successful that it "deactivated" itself, although the loss of some leading members may also have been a factor.

16.    What is the purpose of forming Global Climate Coalition?
a.     It is supposed to contest mandatory actions to deal with Global Warming.
b.    It is supposed to support mandatory actions to enhance global warming.
c.     It is supposed to be supporter of Global Warming.
d.    It is supposed to enhance Global Warming.

17.    What does the word “Overwhelmingly” mean?
a.     Extremely large
b.    Controversial
c.     Ideal
d.    Convincingly

18.    “It” in line 8 refers to…
a.     Memo
b.    American Petroleum Institute
c.     Tobacco company Brown and Williamson
d.    Doubt

19.    Why did Phillip Coney resign his White House post in June 2005?
a.     Because he was so disappointed with tobacco company Brown and Williamson
b.    Because of allegation of politically-motivated damaging with scientific reports
c.     Because he has involved several prominent people
d.    Because he is bored with working as a lawyer

20.    Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a.     The senate significantly passed a resolution against ratifying the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.
b.    Doubt seemingly has been means of establishing controversy by tobacco company Brown and Williamson.
c.     The New York Times published an American Petroleum Institute in 1997.
d.    In 2002, The GCC thought if its work in the US against regulation on Global Warming to have been so worth successful.

21.    As long as I know, those kids are raised by their grandparents.
a.     Forsaken          c. Nurtured
b.    Left                  d. Asserted

22.    Yesterday, two men demanded Mia’s car with menace.
a.     Happiness        c. Graciousness
b.    Sadness           d. Threat

23.    Bimo has reminded Nita to be careful, but she hardly heeds it.
a.     Returns             c. Recovers
b.    Review              d. Regards

24.    Two major points were finally declared in the conference, but some of the participants deplored those unexpected decisions.
a.     Liked                c. Regretted
b.    Distrusted         d. Supported

25.    Although Mira and Maya are identical, their characteristics are totally different.
a.     Similar              c. Distinguishable
b.    Distinct             d. Irritating

26.    Susan thinks if the circumstances will improve, in fact, it does not.
a.     Better               c. Deteriorate
b.    Advise              d. Forge

27.    Some people are hesitant to the effectiveness of Kina’s solution to overcome the problem that Imota Company is facing with.
a.     Sure                 c. Negligent
b.    Doubtful           d. Ignorant

28.    Several workers are pouring asphalt to harshen the road.
a.     Darken  c. Soften
b.    Burden  d. Harden

29.    Joana, who becomes the best student in Amigos University, is enchanting … smart girl.
a.     nevertheless      c. Yet
b.    Or                     d. As well as

30.     Indra recalls … that book, but he forgets where he put it.
a.     To bring            c. Bring
b.    Bringing            d. Brought

31.     I have read The Da Vinci Code four times, and …
a.     Mia has too       c. So Mia has
b.    Has Maria too   d. Mia has so

32.    Watching television, he chooses to go to bed.
a.     However           c.         Unfortunately
b.    Therefore          d.         Instead of

33.     Pants which had been sewn are ironed by the tailor. The other form of that sentence is….
a.     The sewing pants are ironed by the tailor.
b.    The sewn pants are ironed by the tailor.
c.     The pants are sewn are ironed by the tailor.
d.    The pants sew are ironed by the tailor.

34.     Harun has written seven novels and two scientific books. The passive form of that sentence is…
a.     Seven novels and two scientific books are being written by Harun.
b.    Seven novels and two scientific books have been written by Harun.
c.     Seven novels and two scientific books are written by Harun.
d.    Seven novels and two scientific books had been written by Harun.

35.     I really need money,…
a.     My mom should give it immediately
b.    My mom will give it to me immediately
c.     My mom may give it to me immediately
d.    My mom can give it to me immediately

36.    Disturbing noise, she can focus on her writing.
a.     And                  c. Despite
b.    Nevertheless     d. Moreover

142.  In a study of 163 patients, those with low HER-2 levels …………. received Neu Vax injections following surgery, chemotherapy and radiaton cut their odds of getting cancer again by half, and no one of the women died during the study.
a.   whom                                 c. which
b.   whose                                 d. who                                              
143.  Ace said to his girlfriend, “ I met a woman
              A                                        B
       with whose brother I went to school.”
            C                                D                              
144.   Dr.Fitria Hariani,…………, a diva in a white coat, doesn’t tell us that she won’t have an opinion worked up from my slides unless I commit to her and her hospital.
a.   doctors                         c. the doctor
b.   a doctor                        d. doctor              
145.  The new government has promised to give
       some subsidies of oil’s price to help
                        B                                 C
the poors in the country.                                                                                                                           
146.  Miss Devina Oktavianingrum , ………. instructure leader of chemical engineering program, she says, “Desalination, ………. newer process forces the sea membranes, which let the water pass, but stop the salt molecules, bacteria, and virusess.”
a.   an, few                                                        c. a, the
b.   the, little                                                      d . the, a
147.  ‘Excuse me, would you mind……….?’
a.   if I smoke there                               
b.   smoking there now                        
c.    if I smoking now 
d.   smoke there just now
148.  There is nobody at Zuma, the biggest jewelry store in the city and the jewelries were………..and…….by thief there.
a.   stolen, carry                                c. stealing, carrying
b.   stolen, carried                            d.  stolen, carried

Soal nomor 149 s/d 153 mengacu pada teks yang rumpang berikut.
   Seventy percent of the Earth’s surface is (149)… by water, only 2,5 percent of this water is fresh. (150) …, we only have access to a fraction of this finite supply. The Earth’s water cycle has done a great job of recycling this finite supply but now population (151)… - often in places with limited (152)…- is putting this cycle under stress. Simply put, more people are using the same small (153) ….of water.
149.  a. covered                                     c. contaminated
      b. rounded                                     d. contributed
150.  a. in the other hand                      c. on and on
      b. on the part  of that                    d. on top of that
151.  a. supplies                                     c. remnant
      b. Demand                                    d. fix
152.  a. supplies                                     c. Residue
      b. Demand                                    d. Remnant
153.  a. Demand                                    c. Remnant
      b. supply                                        d.liquid

Soal nomor 154 - 157 mengacu pada bacaan berikut.

researches into whether people who are good at solving brain twisters are more intelligent than those are not suggestion that the experts make use of a special type of insight. However, not only do they appear to be good at this (choosing with the elements to process, to combine, or compare from the information given), but they are also clever at making use of ‘general’ or prior knowledge and at monitoring their own progress with a particular problem. In addition, they appear capable of adopting an appropriate cognitive style consisting of combination of impulse and reflection. Just what this combination is still mystifies the researchers, and so does the original question, to which their answer is a somewhat frustrating “possibly”.

154.  What is the best title of this passage?
a.     The nature of intelligence
b.    Are brain twister test of intelligence?
c.     Brain twister: how everyone can solve them
d.    The cognitive style of brain-twister writers
155.  According to the passage, the expert insight involves ….
a.     a selection process
b.    making use of general knowledge
c.     monitoring their own progress
d.    a combination of impulse and reflection
156.  How does the author seem to feel about the research?
a.     Selectively interested.
b.    Interested but impartial disagreement.
c.     Interested but somewhat dissatisfied.
d.    Interested but rather mystified.
157.  What was the researchers’ main purpose?
a.     To prove that brain twister experts are unusually intelligent.
b.    To seek a correlation between solving brain twisters and intelligent.
c.     To identify the experts monitoring process.
d.    To describe the process of solving brain twisters.
158.  How did this extraordinary situation …?
a.     come along             c.   come away
b.    come apart             d.   come about
159.  An … vehicle or building does not have anyone in it.
a.     unerring                  c.   irreverent
b.    unmanned               d.   insuperable
160.  If a story or event … it becomes clearer and you understand it.
a.     unfold                     c.   unlimited
b.    undying                  d.   inflammable
161.  We wish that you … such a lot of work, because we know that you would have enjoyed party.
a.     hadn’t had               c.   didn’t have had
b.    hadn’t                     d.   hadn’t have
162.  The Wright brothers had realized from their experiments that the most serious challenge in manned flight would be stabilizing and manoeuvring the aircraft once it was air bone.  … this problem; however, they had tried to focus on developing control for guiding their aircraft.
a.     Because of             c.   Despite of
b.    In spite of               d.   Besides
163.  Microwaves are used for cooking,  telecommunications, ….
a.     and to diagnose medically
b.    and medical diagnosing
c.     and diagnosed medically
d.    and medical diagnosis
164.  The acids, salts, and vitamins that fruit furnish are very helpful _____ a balanced and helpful diet.
a.     to keep                   c.   keeping
b.    kept                        d.   they keep
165.  “Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket?”
“_____ I’m sure it’s going to be very cold outside.”
a.     Until                        c.   So that
b.    Since                      d.   Because of
166.  Hussain would prefer drive his AE-86 rather than take
                         A                  B                             C
      a board of taxi in the Boulevard street tonight.
167.   I am now accustomed to _____ tea without sugar.
        a. drink                           c. drinking
        b. drunk                         d. drank
168.   If mechanic had done the work properly, I _____ no problem with my car yesterday.
        a. have had
        b. would have had
        c. would have
        d. have had
169.   The results of third experiment are even _____ the results on the second one.
        a. better as
        b. worse as
        c. worst than
        d. better than
170.   The book that he has completed will soon published, _____?
        a. hasn’t it
        b. hasn’t he
        c. will he
        d. Won’t it
171.He asked me whether he _____ my car to go to party.
        a. can borrow
        b. might borrow
        c. ought to borrow
        d. will borrow
172.”Anwar was promoted as president of your company last week, wasn’t he?”
”I’m glad he was; he _____ in this company for many years”
        a. had worked
        b. was working
        c. has been working
        d. would work
173.We could not get a room at the beach hotel because we _____ reservation.
        a. would not make
        b. had not made
        c. were not making
        d. have not made
174.It was raining hard, but by the time class was over, the rain _____.
        a. has stopped
        b. would stopped
        c. stopped
        d. had stopped
175.The traffic is so terrible. We’re going to late. By the time we get to school, the class _____.
        a. will begin
        b. will have already begun
        c. will beggining
        d. has begun

176.Well, I think the new theory is so _____.
        a. appliance                                  c. applicable
        b. applied                                      d. appliying
177.I would rather you _____ anything about it for the time being.
a.     do                                   c.     have done
b.     didn’t do                        d.     to do
178.Branco asked _____
a.     what she called for
b.     what for did she call
c.     what she call for
d.     she what to call for
179.Several people have _____ tried to change the man’s mind, but he refuses to listen.
        a. apparent
        b. apparently
        c. apprents
        d. being apparent
180.  Rita … software that can support her job.
a.     call for                    c.   call off
b.    call on                    d.   call

Kumpulan Materi & Latihan Soal CPNS 2013